Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy First Day of Spring! :)

Spring seems to have been here for a couple of weeks now, but today is officially the first day, yippee! I'm celebrating with capris and sandals. ;)

So, my friend Missy inspired me to blog today, as she is doing an awesome job updating her blog/vlog. In fact, she interviewed me recently about why I blog, how often I (don't) blog, etc. I'm excited to be having dinner with her and another good friend, Rachel, tonight. Olive Garden will be tempting, but my plan is to stay with all-you-can-eat salad and soup with water. I'm not kicking my tail in the gym like I did the last two days to ruin it with alfredo sauce!!! Speaking of, our sweet little trainer Trevor decided to "intensify" our workout. I was all for this, as I didn't feel like I'd been doing enough. I wasn't really breaking a sweat, after all. Be careful what you wish for! We went from 2 sets of 15 reps on 8 machines to 3 sets of 15, PLUS 4 sets of 15 on two of our leg exercises. AND, up from 10 minutes to 30 minutes on the NuStep machine. AND, a total of 5 laps around the track. *whew* I'm tired just thinking about it. But, it felt GOOD to sweat, it felt GOOD to be tired. It felt GOOD to PUSH. And, it's inspired me to really think about what I'm putting in my mouth. My appetite seems to have diminished some as well. I'm afraid to even THINK the words, "I wonder if this is the time it will work." So, I'll just keep the mindset of "I'm going to get healthy," then make/reach the goal of STAYING healthy. :) I even updated the playlist on my iPod. ;D

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