Sunday, January 20, 2013

Play it AGAIN, Char...

OK, so here I am again...trying AGAIN...hoping AGAIN...fighting AGAIN. I think I'm actually motivated to do this for myself this time. I'm the heaviest I've ever, I'm not going to give a number. Let's just say it's too much, WAY too much. I'm starting to feel pain in places a 37-year-old shouldn't feel pain...or a 67-year-old. I can hardly stand for very long to make copies at work. My office chair creaks. I'm unmotivated to get up to do anything. If I can sit in my seat and do it, so be it! That's ridiculous. A while back, I was going to make a dream book, a book of pics representing things I'd like to do. Here are a few...maneuver my body to get a great photography shot at any angle, wear cute clothes that are available for cheaper than $35/top (a/k/a shop at Wal-Mart), finish a 5K. That last one is probably the closest to achievability. The gym starts this excuses (unless they close for a snowstorm, like this past week). I've got my new playlist ready on my iPod and a big huge bunch of encouragers behind me.

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